Confusion, Feelings & Abhor and New Year Resolutions

The point of dis-satisfaction comes when the level of intense pressure hits the materialistic values not morals. The idea of Rousseau's philosophy is surrounded with the value of individual and morals in the society. Contented people are less, if the world is full of such people then the death of American Dream is observed round about the globe. Anyway the feeling are very important and somewhat were dominating factor in taking any decisions. A month ago my father asked me, Atif, my son, you are working day and night while I have observed the boys of your age wander about, enjoy their life, play games and learn maturity. Is there any logic behind this? I was a bit surprised because I never expected such question from him. In reply, I stated, "Papa, I want some recognition as myself and this passion makes me work hard for myself." He said, " Well!! Boy, I wanted to say something else but this point is raising in my mind again and again that you must get married!" The second time I was shocked by the hammering of this question. I was disappointed too, but then the emotions and the dream of a company of a woman began to dominate me. I was enjoying the company of women but just then I by dwelling myself into morals, I said, "No, I want to complete my study first, after having a good job I can think of marrying a Girl."

I am still confused that why I said no while my better reply could be more satisfying to my basic instinct. The answer to my thought was not easy but then by Looking at the aspect of morality, I realized that I at first must serve my Old Parents. But the hallucination of the company of a Woman really made me feel good. Why did father ask me such question? Simply the answer came from a very modern religion, Islam, that the opposite gender attracts so when any of you reaches puberty the parents should get them married. My father was behaving according to the right way.

Confusion is like shadow of knowledge, confused soul when seeks solution the puzzle is solved. So to be confused is a good act; ultimately the thirst of knowledge will please you!

Emotions are the very illogical sequence of feelings. The major problem with youth is that they take decision when being emotional, rather they should make and take decision when they are confident and relax. This emotion can either make them or destroy them.

The very over-whelming state of man is the state of Abhor, there is only one way to stop falling in such situation: Don't trust anyone then yourself and be calm!

The basic purpose of this writing is to make myself and you people realize the importance of Love and affection for Parents, the need for extensive reading and to be confused to get the right answer, to control the emotions, and how to have Peace around you!

I wish You a very Happy New Year! Hope You will enjoy this year by Making and breaking your Resolutions according to circumstances and Need!!! Stay Happy and be Blessed!!!! :) 


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