The End of the History and The Last Man by Francis Fukuyama, Summary by Syed Atif Hussain
HISTORY AND THE LAST MAN is written by Francis Fukuyama. Francis Fukuyama
is a former deputy director of USA State Department’s policy planning staff.
The book has a very attracting title, which compel a person to think upon that
how a technological advanced world could move towards the end of its very own
history; does the writer wants to say something in ironical manner or there is
something special in the book. There are various sources of information given
in this book; the writer has a complete command over the current issues and he
has mentioned the past issues with the respect to present world. This book is
written in five parts. Each part contained a lot of information. The best thing
about the book is its very own Preface, BY WAY OF AN INTRODUCTION.
The Preface
The book has a marvelously
written preface, BY WAY OF AN INTRODUCTION. First he has mentioned about the
origin of the states and had talked about the Rival theories of the state. Then
he has justified the title of the book by making relevance between the concept
of “End of History” by Hegel and Karl Marx. According to Hegel the End of
History is Liberal State, on the other hand, for Marx, it is Communist State.
As I have mentioned before that
Karl Marx has the idea that there would be the rule of proletariat and that
would be the end of the history, but there rose another idea these days this idea
is not drawn by any philosopher but this has emerged. It is the idea of liberal
democracy. The world order was transforming towards the democracy and the
communism was collapsing to a very extent. Fukuyama has stated in the book that
“The world is moving toward what we in the West consider decent and humane
political institutions-that is, Liberal democracy.” Later he says in accordance
that the world was divided between authoritarianism of the Rights and
totalitarianism of the Left. Later on when democracy was spreading all around
the world, some of the countries were not ready for the principles of democracy
and popular sovereignty because they had the threat of communism, terrorism and
economic mismanagements.
In the era, communism was dead,
and political process was rapidly being replaced by intolerant and aggressive
nationalism. Fukuyama has himself commented on liberal democracy in this manner
that liberal democracy, that is, the productivity of market-oriented economics
and the freedom of democratic politics. In short Fukuyama just wants to say
that democracy is a product. Secondly he says that he don’t want to see the
communist countries turning into rapid democracy, but for him, it would be very
much surprising (if such a communist country transform into a rapid Democracy
as soon as possible).
The idea of liberal democracy
states that popular sovereignty and individual freedom is ensured. If the
people can choose their very own government through secret ballots, party
elections, on the basis of universal and equal adult suffrage then we can
regard a county as democratic state. Man has passed through various forms of
government such as monarchy, aristocracy, fascist and communist dictatorship but
at the end the only form of government whish has survived is democracy. The
writer has talked about two kinds of democracies: 1. Formal Democracy
(Dictatorial Government), 2. Real Democracy (Liberal Democracy).
It is true that if a man is in
the present, there is a great impact of Past on his life. Fukuyama has
mentioned various steps of the history which helped us to understand the
history, and its gradual evolution towards the concept of democracy. Hegel
says, the history of the world is none other than the progress of the
consciousness of freedom. That is why for him the end of the history occurs
when every man is free. There are many philosophers who have written about the
world history but only Hegel is regarded as historicist philosopher. Every
philosopher has pointed to the human nature and then has written down about the
human nature but this is not the case of Hegel; Hegel thinks that “human nature
to have no fixed nature”. Above mentioned are the points of Hegel, but Marx has
some other points of view. He thinks a liberal state can not resolve the
struggle between bourgeoisie and proletariat. And according to Marx, End of the
History, could only occur when there would not be any struggle.
In this Part Francis Fukuyama
pose a question that is human history directional, cyclical, or simply random
path? The question has a lot of importance because Fukuyama has answered the
question with a lot of references from the articles. Even he has related the
answers to the present situation. Lets see his appoints, he says that there was
a time when everywhere there was monarchy, aristocracy and other form of
governments; if history is cyclical then it must take a turn and move towards
those monarchies and aristocracies but such thing doesn’t happen. Or there must
be some Hitler like Germany who may rise again and get the control of these
present states but such thing has not happened yet. That means history is not
cyclical but it is directional. It is directional and progressive because it
has given a birth to a new for of government and that is liberal democracy. There
is a new comment writer has about the technology and Nuclear weapon and waste.
Technology and nuclear waste are destroying the natural resources. Writer just
want to says that the third world countries have mostly the natural resources
and the struggle for balance of power and nuclear bombs to an extend has raise
the danger for the nature. For Him, technology is deadly; he says; “a given
civilization can vanish entirely without leaving any imprint.” A comment on
Multinational Companies says that these are working to keep alive the Marxism.
On the other hand he has another point of view about the rule of Communism. He
believes that under some circumstances the state turned into Bureaucratic
Tyranny; bureaucrats hold the all functions of the state and run the State.
Several chapters in the book are about the economic reforms (a way to democracy
when in the hands of people), Central Capitalism (Sort of Communism, leads us
to bureaucratic tyranny), technology (a deadly instrument in the hand of people
when it is used for negative purposes; it has improved the lifestyle of a
common man, and helped us in shaping the new era), and political intelligentsia
(Evolution of Democracy).
There comes one more point
about the third world countries. This is about the dependency theory and the
third world states. “Third world underdevelopment was due to the participation
of less developed countries in the global capitalist order”. Once again he has
pointed to the capitalist countries, and being trying to make us understand
that still the condition of third world countries is due to Capitalist States.
Further he makes a point that multi-national are there to keep alive the
Marxism. In the different parts of the world capitalism is suitable due to
culture and traditions. The new world has the liberal economic principles which
are directly the principles of democracy. If you have a strong economy then it
is very much suitable for a state to have the Democratic structure in the
political sphere.
There rises a question what led
us to liberal democracy? The answer is given us by the author of the book. His
first point is that industrialization led us to democracy. Because if we see in
the context of Marx, if means of production changes then the complete
superstructure changes as well. So is the case here. Landlords were turned into
merchants and political system could be seen changing and then the emergence of
industrialization. While we are talking about the democracy, we must know what
our author think abut democracy in the context of industrialization. Well, he
regards democracy as a struggle in the context of industrialization. In the very
beginning of the book Fukuyama has posed a question of Immanuel Kant, which has
the essence in it that if there is a government which is much efficient and
provide every kind of facility to its citizen, would that be capable enough to
justify with the victims of history, who have remain under too much of
problems. Fukuyama has answered the question by saying “yes” because democracy
is the only thing which means a lot to us.
Fukuyama has taken the term
from western political philosophy. Plato has written there are three parts of
the soul: 1. A Desiring Part, 2. A Reasoning Part, 3. Thymos, or a spiritual
part. All this he has mentioned in the preface where he has mentioned about the
Plato, and his idea. Fukuyama says that Thymos is an innate sense of justice.
This means a man has a sense of justice inside him that allows a person to go
for the right and wrong. If we elaborate in more sensible way, it would be like;
if a man is treated in a very rough manner the person will definitely be angry,
but if a person doesn’t have such sense he will be guilty.
This has nothing to do with
anything but the Hegel’s idea which Fukuyama has theft has a lot of importance.
This is the concept of Struggle for Recognition. Hegel had a idea to be
recognized as a human being. In the history of this point he wants to say that
there is a class of leaders, and a class slaves. The slaves always have the
wish to be recognized as human beings. While Marx says that man is there but he
is not economically known, this is all the major difference between Hegel and
Marx’s point.
Fukuyama then coins the term
use by Thomas Hobbes this term is known as The First Man. Hobbes First
Man struggles for recognition in the state of nature. Hobbes First Man is
educated to lesser his desire for recognition to the desire to save his own
life, and the desire to give that life with material comfort. The term has been
compared and contrasted with the term used by Locke, and Hegel. There is no
major difference between Locke and Hobbes First Man, but Hobbes make some
points which do not go with the Hegel.
Thymos has been signified as a
beast with red cheeks. That means Thymos is an innate sense of Justice. Thymos
is such a big thing but it is consisted of some principles of idealism,
morality ant ethics. Thymos has places of all the noble merits such as
selflessness, idealism, morality, self-sacrifice, courage, and honorability. On
the basis of such powerful emotions one can state that Thymos allows a man to
overcome its most powerful natural instincts for the sake of what they believe
is right, or just.
There are three important
chapters further in this part: the Rise and Fall of Thymos, Leadership and
Bondage, and The Universal and homogeneous state. These are the Chapters to be
described in a single line: Idealism has some importance for some people but
not the whole community that is why Thymos is linked with only emotions. Sometimes
there would be rise of him and some times there would be fall. Leadership in
itself creates a big way for people to see that what they really want, and to
what extent a leader could be with them. The Universal and Homogeneous State
deals with the idea of Kojeve; he claims that this is almost the end of the
history so stand or fall on the power of declaration that the recognition
provided by the contemporary liberal democratic state adequately satisfies the
human desire for recognition.
There is a very nice concept
given in the second last part of the Book. It seems that it is with the rest to
Marx and Communism. There is one thing which clearly could be seen and that is
raising the military capabilities it has been happening till today that power
full armies capture the state but this must be clarified that they can cause
more than a state could hold. Recently we have the example of United States of
America. We need to take it in the concept of nationalism and the then we also
have to see the realism. The role of realism, which is played on the ground of
each level of analysis.
The most important chapter
under the part 4 of this book is THE UNREALITY OF REALISM. Definitely
this led us to work upon several important issues which have been raised in
here. Then is the POWER of the POWERLESS. Later, there is National
Interests and Toward a Pacific Union. First of all we all need to
know what’s realism. Well that has emerged from the group of people who consider
everything in a very realistic perspective. On the one hand we have talked
about Thymos and on the other hand we are talking about realism the first major
contrast is being emerging here. Then comes the point ‘Power of the powerless’;
that means to a very extent it tries to avoid war. Everyone wants to live in a
peaceful state of nature, where one can find harmony. In a realist Mind the
struggle for power goes on and on. Francis Fukuyama says that the Countries
being trying to get freedom and establish them self as a strong democracy.
Nationalism is a specifically modern phenomenon because it replaces the
relationship of lordship and bondage with mutual and equal recognition.
The title of Fukuyama’s book is
“The Last Man”. The Last man is the citizen of a capitalist democracy where
equality is practiced. Fukuyama posses a question to the reader that will the
last man be satisfied with common recognition? Or there must be some other ways
to get recognition of superiority. If In the society acceptance and recognition
of superiority would be gathered so the last man could avoid boredom while
being a democrat. Through out the complete book one thing could be seen and
that is Fukuyama’s classical liberalism. He has some other views about the
communities. He thinks that each society will demand high respect from the
other community; Fukuyama doesn’t want to sacrifice the rights of democratic
citizenship to the intolerable communities. Each is bound by it own morality.
This may ruin the complete theory of fukuyama’s point of view that is
recognition of individual priority. But still there is assumption in history
that man is doing something to get the superiority.
Mutual recognition leads to
democracy, for him, it becomes a compromise that doesn’t get rid of the urge
for superiority. Can we regard it as a cultural product od dominant groups? The
struggle for recognition in a very new society is by both male and female. What
would happen if a man or women is not satisfied with applicable rules. He also
tells us that there would be some laws to satisfy some dominant groups. It
could be a capitalist entrepreneurship either a career in foreign policy or
Himalayan mountaineering groups.
The idea of boredom in
democracy is really a bit phony. It comes to the fact that dominant groups want
to use their rights and don't want to be forced by democracy. This is then all
about the socialist belief that the lower classes must be the guardians of
democracy. What Fukuyama overlooks are the satisfactions within? In the
capitalist democracies the option for the recognition of superiority demanded
by dominant groups. The capitalist society might have a really great deals of
offer but in this context capitalist democracy don’t offer us the "mutual
recognition", which is fighting against domination by a powerful nation,
class, race, and gender. Fukuyama still favors in the context the liberal
democracy but we must keep in mind he is giving the idea whether the Last Man
is there to have himself in such a community. Lets us imagine how many
rewarding things there are left to do for those whose relations won't get them
into the State Department or whose pocket books won't get them to the Himalayas!
And after equality has
eliminated the satisfactions of the collective struggle for justice against
dominant groups? Well, there will still be collective effort on behalf of
making social life more rewarding. This will be the effort of people discussing
their differences in an atmosphere of mutual respect. It will be an effort
within a community, but not a community in which members try to become superior
by advancing community goals. The satisfaction will derive from the joint
effort to realize those goals, an effort in which everyone's dignity is
recognized. This is, though, a socialist community, not one based on older
patterns of domination.
The book is
well written and has addressed us the collapse of Soviet Union, but at the end
only democracy has been evolved and it is the perfect system to run the
government. There is liberty, equality, freedom, the popular sovereignty and
the liberal economic principles. While the Last Man would have lots the option
to be a recognized member of the society. The End of the History and the Last
Man has remained a controversial book, but there are various topics upon which
we can discuss and fine a far better way to our solutions then described by the
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