Rethinking Freedom of Speech
As a political scientist as well as social scientist, scholars and researchers should work to unite the different cultures and ethnicity. The term 'Unity' refers to the process which is rather peaceful and opted voluntarily by the great masses. On the other hand, there is another terminology 'Merge'. Merging refers to a forceful process in which people are compelled to do anything against their wishes. The policy makers should consult them if there is a way to bring the people closer regardless of race, religion and ethnicity.
During my BSc Hons in Political Science, I came across various theories. I remember one of a lecture cum class discussion in which the professor said, "Democracy represents not all but the majority and majority means 50% + 1. 49% + 99 will always remain minority". The incident in Paris took place with its very sad consequences resulting in sad demise. right after the incident, the media pointed all its cannon to Islam. Let me tell you clearly, Islam is against violence. It does not allow anyone to kill anyone with or without reason. Islam talks about peace and its basic principles spread the notion of Peace and Harmony. The Charter of Medina is the very first charter in the History of Mankind in which we find the traces of harmony between the two opposing end. This Charter was signed by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) himself. Why would his teaching bore violent elements??? Clearly, he never taught oppression. There is not any violence and Islam condemns violence as it is stated in the Holy Book (Which is not only the book of Muslims but also the NAS - Mankind/Human): "whoever kills a soul - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely." Al Quran 5:32 Such a person is a threat to whole community.
Secondly, During my study, this was also discussed that one who is elected or appointed by the majority is the sole representative and his actions and words should be considered as the words and actions of the majority. but those people who were indulged in such heinous act were not the representative of about 2 Billion Muslims. The Muslims themselves condemn this brutal act. A life is precious either that exists in Syria. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Burma or Palestine. We should respect Humanity and Diversity. The diversity is the beauty of Human race.
But there is a point to ponder that why this happened. As Newton says "Every Action has a reaction but in opposite direction". There was definitely a cause which ignited the whole situation. There is a dire need to rethink the freedom of speech. Freedom itself indicates that you are 'free' in a 'dome'. Without any limitation the people wont understand that how much freedom they may enjoy. The freedom in 21st century then should be like "I am born free in USA but I cannot go to Mexico by simply crossing the border." This is called limitation. There must be an independent and influential International Censor Board which should clearly redefine the boundaries of what is insulting, blasphemous and prejudiced content. "Your Freedom ends where my nose starts." This is the limitation. The year 2014 was marked as the year of information but it turned out that under this cover hacker became more vigilant. some information should be kept secret as all cannot be revealed. Same way, some limitations be imposed as all cannot be stated.
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