Rethinking Freedom of Speech
As a political scientist as well as social scientist, scholars and researchers should work to unite the different cultures and ethnicity. The term 'Unity' refers to the process which is rather peaceful and opted voluntarily by the great masses. On the other hand, there is another terminology 'Merge'. Merging refers to a forceful process in which people are compelled to do anything against their wishes. The policy makers should consult them if there is a way to bring the people closer regardless of race, religion and ethnicity. During my BSc Hons in Political Science, I came across various theories. I remember one of a lecture cum class discussion in which the professor said, "Democracy represents not all but the majority and majority means 50% + 1. 49% + 99 will always remain minority". The incident in Paris took place with its very sad consequences resulting in sad demise. right after the incident, the media pointed all its cannon to Islam. Let me tell ...